Mr Liu Jinghai (4 to 8 March 2013)
Mr Liu Jinghai (4 to 8 March 2013)
AST’s 7th OEIR
Mr Liu Jinghai is the principal of Zhabei No. 8 High School in Shanghai, China. He is the first principal to be invited under the OEIR programme. He is the chief designer, convener and implementer of Success Education, an educational philosophy which aims to bring about transformational improvements to school results and student outcomes. Mr Liu has authored or edited more than ten books, including Success Education, Exploring the Success Education, 100 Cases for Success Education, and Selected Reports on Success Education (1987-2008).
During his attachment, he had two dialogue sessions with school leaders, key personnel and MOE HQ staff where he shared with them the educational philosophy of Success Education. Essentially, it is grounded in the belief that every child has the aspiration and the potential to achieve success, and that creating many opportunities for students to experience success in school is key to students’ self-motivation. Using personal anecdotes from his tenure as the principal of Zhabei No. 8 High School in Shanghai, he illustrated how school transformation required the changing of teachers’ beliefs and pedagogical practices, and school leaders’ involvement in the development of teachers in their school. Participants of the dialogue sessions gave very positive feedback on the dialogue sessions.

As part of the OEIR programme, Mr Liu Jinghai visited Holy Innocents’ High School and River Valley High School. During the visits, he had the chance to dialogue with school leaders and key personnel on how professional development contributed to student and school success, and how effective teachers with strong pedagogical practices and content knowledge could support the professional development of beginning teachers.

Mr Liu Jinghai was invited to engage in professional conversations with DGE and ZDSS. He also shared his thoughts on school leadership with other ZDs and Superintendents of Schools Division at their divisional meeting. Mr Liu shared his role in leveling up non-performing schools.
During Mr Liu Jinghai’s five-day residency in Singapore, many educators were very impressed by his professional dedication and his clear thinking regarding improving student learning, teacher professional development and successful school transformation.